
WTI celebrates National Moth Week at Pakke Tiger Reserve

Riloh, 30th July 2023: Rilloh Public Health Centre, Wildlife Trust of India, and Rilloh Wildlife Range, Pakke Tiger Reserve collaborated to host an awareness event on the occasion of National Moth Week at the Medical Centre Premises in Rilloh Pakke-Kessang District. The program also covered topics including snakebite prevention and mitigation, as well as bear conservation. More than 120 participants, including students and members of the local community, participated in the event.

National Moth Week

global Tiger Day and National Moth Week celebration in Riloh, Pakke Tiger Reserve | Photograph by WTI

The program was initiated by Mr. Tadodibo RFO, Rilloh Range, PTR, he gave a brief introduction about the Pakke Tiger Reserve and its rich natural heritage. Dr. Tana Takum, an epidemiologist with the DHS (District Health Center), Arunachal Pradesh, interactively discussed with the village headmen, frontline staff from health, forest, community health workers and farmers, on the practical aspects of snake bite first aid. These discussions also included measures that should be taken when encountering a snake in the wild or near residential areas.

Dr. Bharat B. Bhatt, former scientist Department of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (DoEFCC), Arunachal Pradesh, highlighted the varied flora and fauna of Arunachal Pradesh and later advocated for the protection of snakes and peaceful coexistence between humans and reptiles by discussing their ecological value and the role they play in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Subhasish Arandhara, CBRC-WTI, gave a talk about bear conservation and the work being done at the bear rehabilitation centre in the Pakke tiger reserve. He encouraged the locals to hand over any bear cubs that they might come across in the area to the department and CBRC (Center for Bear Rehabilitation and Conservation). He also gave an eye-catching presentation on ‘Moths of North East India’, urging younger generations to learn about moths and other insects because of their vital ecological and economic role in the environment. Dr. Rebbi (Medical Officer, Rilloh Primary Health Care) delivered the closing remarks.

‘Mothing’ workshop on the occasion of National Moth Week in Tippi, Pakke Tiger Reserve | Photograph by WTI

A similar event was also organised in the Tippi Wildlife Range of Pakke Tiger Reserve. Over 200 students from four different schools from the Bhalukpong area and Tippi Village, the CBRC team and the staff of the Wildlife Range Tippi, celebrated Global Tiger Day with a special talk on Bear conservation and National Moth Week at the Range Office campus. Dr. Panjit Basumatary from WTI called for a nationwide celebration of biodiversity and awareness of the importance of protecting our natural heritage. Talks were given by Range Forest Officer, Kime Rambia, on tiger conservation. CBRC-WTI biologist Subhasish Arandhara spoke about bear conservation and the rehabilitation centre alongside delivering presentations on ‘Moths of North East India’.
With National Moth Week being observed globally in the last week of July 2023, Tippi Wildlife Range also organized its first ever ‘mothing’ camp guided by Subhasish Arandhara along with students at two different locations of Tippi-Bhalukpong area of Arunachal Pradesh.
The Center for Bear Rehabilitation and Conservation (CBRC), established under WTI’s Pakke Conservation Project, is the first specialised rehabilitation centre for Asiatic black bears in India. The team has hand raised and released more than 50 bear cubs back in the wild since its inception in 2002.

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