
Leopard encounter in Baripada town, successfully managed by Odisha Forest Dept & WTI

Baripada, Odisha, 17th May 2024: A leopard caused quite a stir in the Bhanjapur area of Baripada town in Mayurbhanj district, Odisha last week.

On being alerted to the incident by alarmed residents, the Forest Department along with Wildlife Trust of India’s (WTI) Mobile Veterinary Service (MVS) Unit promptly dispatched a team to initiate a search and rescue operation. Given the town’s proximity to the  Similipal Tiger Reserve, wild animals are often sighted in the area.

Safety nets were used to cordon off the area for the rescue operation | Photo by MVS unit

After diligent efforts, the team located the big cat within the premises of Budhikhamaria Primary School. To ensure the safety of both the animal and the public, the area was cordoned off with the help of safety nets. Equipped with protective gear, a veterinarian from the WTI MVS successfully tranquilised the leopard from a secure distance, after which it was carefully shifted to a transportation cage. Dr. Ashraful Islam from WTI and Dr. Abhilash from the Similipal Forest Department led the tranquillisation of the animal.

The leopard was found on a school premises | Photo by MVS unit

A preliminary examination conducted by the MVS unit revealed that the leopard was a male estimated to be between 4 to 5 years old. The animal was placed under temporary observation to ensure its well-being and later released into a suitable location away from human habitation.

Rudra Mahapartra, Project Head of MVS Odisha at WTI, explained that the decision to tranquilise and relocate the leopard was made by the Forest department and the WTI team, prioritising both public safety and the well-being of the animal. The team closely monitored its condition ensuring it received adequate hydration before releasing it.

The leopard was released in Similpal Tiger Reserve | Photo by MVS unit

This successful rescue operation highlights the collaborative efforts between wildlife authorities and local communities to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts. Read more about our conflict mitigation efforts.


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