
A brave frontline forest officer’s sacrifice honoured with ex-gratia support

1st June 2024: Late Shri Rajendra Singh Kushre was a forester posted in the Shahpur range of the Dindori division, Madhya Pradesh. He displayed unwavering dedication to his work and possessed extensive knowledge about the forest. 

On May 1st 2024 Kushre was informed of a forest fire in Beat No. 117 of the Budhan range. Despite his underlying health problems, he immediately set out to join the firefighting efforts. He spent the entire night tirelessly battling to douse the fire, which unfortunately exacerbated his medical condition. Despite his weakening state, he urged his team to persevere, insisting that they could all depart once the fire was contained.

The following day, his condition took a turn for the worse, and he exhibited symptoms of paralysis, necessitating his admission to the Dindori district hospital for urgent medical care. According to the medical report, his blood pressure had risen considerably due to prolonged exposure to smoke, with doctors suspecting a blood clot in his brain. Tragically, on May 5th, while en route to a hospital in Nagpur for further treatment, Kushre succumbed to his condition.

Late Shri. Rajendra Singh Kushre’s family was presented with a cheque and scroll of honour for his service to nature by Dr. Rajendra Mishra

We are deeply saddened by the loss of such a committed forester. In recognition of his service, his family was presented with a cheque for INR 1 lakh as ex-gratia support, facilitated by The Thin Green Line Foundation, along with a scroll of honour commemorating his invaluable contributions to conservation. The cheque and the scroll were handed over to the family by Dr. Rajendra Prasad Mishra, Deputy Director, WTI.

Late Shri Rajendra Singh Kushre is survived by his wife Seeta, three daughters, brother, and brother-in-law, all of whom were present during this solemn occasion. Representing the Forest Department were Mr. Hariom, IFS, DFO Dindori; Mr. Surendra Jatav, SDO, Dindori; Mr. Sudeep Mishra, RO, Shahpur, and the frontline field staff who were all gathered to pay tribute to his memory.

Late Shri Kushre’s family and Mr. Hariom, expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the timely assistance provided by WTI during this critical time. WTI’s Van Rakshak Project covers State Forest Department Employees of the rank of Range Forest Officer and below, including temporary employees (daily wage labourers) associated with the forest department, in case of death, permanent disability and injury, while on duty.

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