
Calicut fishers’ honoured for their brave efforts to rescue a stranded whale

7th September 2024, Calicut: In a heartening display of community spirit and environmental stewardship, the local fishers of Calicut were recently lauded by Shri Ahamed Devarkovil, the Hon’ble MLA of South Calicut, for their heroic efforts in rescuing and releasing a stranded short-finned pilot whale. This act of bravery underscores the vital role that local communities play in marine conservation.

The occasion was marked by a ‘Marine Biodiversity Conservation’ Workshop organised by the Kerala Forest & Wildlife Department, Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), and VST Industries. It brought together over 50 participants from various sectors including Forest, Fisheries, Coastal Police, the Veterinary Department, and NGIs. The event aimed to foster greater awareness and collaboration in the conservation of marine biodiversity.

Shri Ahamed Devarkovil inaugurated the workshop, which featured a series of technical sessions with insights from notable experts from WTI—Sajan John, Co-PI of Marine Projects, Vimal Lakshmanan, Assistant Field Officer of the Kannur Kandal Project, Bharath Kumar, Field Officer of the Kannur Kandal Project along with Dr Anu Lekshmi C, Head & Sr. Scientist, Calicut CMFRI, and Mr.Ajith Shangumugham, Fisherman and conservationist. Shangumugham, a fisherman and conservationist.

Sajan John from WTI provided insights on protected marine species and the issues surrounding illegal trade | Photo by Vimal L/ WTI

The workshop delved into the significance of coastal and marine habitats such as mangroves and the conservation of marine megafauna, and highlighted WTI’s ongoing whale shark conservation efforts in India. Dr. Anulekshmi C, provided an update on the status of Indian marine fisheries, relevant laws, and international commitments, while Sajan John shed light on protected marine species and issues surrounding illegal trade.

The workshop also highlighted community involvement in coastal and marine conservation from the perspective of a local fisher and conservationist, Ajith Shangumugham.

During the event, over 50 participants, from the forest, fishery, coastal police, veterinary dept and NGIs local fishers along with their teams, were felicitated by the Honble MLA for their invaluable contributions to the rescue and release of stranded short-finned pilot whale, underscoring the critical role of community action in marine conservation.

Hon’ble MLA Shri Ahamed Devarkovil felicitating the fishers for their efforts | Photo by Team Photo by Vimal L/ WTI

MLA, South Calicut Shri. Ahamed Devarkovil, lauded the fishers, pointing out that their support during the 2018 floods was a testament to their commitment to saving lives, working alongside other agencies. He added that the recent rescue of a stranded pilot whale further illustrates their dedication to protecting endangered marine species.

Keerthy IFS, Conservator of Forest Northern region stated that fishers play an integral role in marine conservation and their proactive intervention not only saved the whale but also set an example of how fishing communities can be part of conservation efforts.”

Sajan John, Marine Specialist at Wildlife Trust of India emphasised that the organisation’s goal is to foster community engagement and environmental conservation activities. He highlighted WTI’s efforts to raise awareness and promote the protection of marine biodiversity.

Since 2018, the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI)  has been at the forefront of whale shark conservation along the coastlines of Kerala, Karnataka, and Lakshadweep, through its ‘Save the Whale Shark Campaign’. This initiative seeks to raise awareness about these remarkable creatures among marine fishermen, local communities, and students. Central to this mission is the reduction of accidental entanglements in fishing nets, thereby facilitating the release of whale sharks back into their natural habitat.

This workshop and the recognition of the local fishers serve as a powerful reminder of the impact that community action can have on conservation.

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