World Environment Day

World Environment Day, 2024

5th June, 2024: WTI celebrated the World Environment Day 2024 with plantation drives and awareness programs across its project landscapes. In Meghalaya, we worked with local schools to organise plantation and cleanliness drives – a part of our ongoing habitat restoration activity in Nengsra and Gaobari, under the Garo Green Spine Project. In Assam, our team took part in a Walkathon with community members and our Green Corridor Champions, raising awareness about environment conservation. In Pakke, the CBRC team organised butterfly walks and took to the road to spread awareness. In Uttar Pradesh, we partnered with the Seema Suraksha Bal and the local community in plantation drives and community awareness meetings around World Environment Day. In Kerala, we added more mangrove saplings in our restoration project area supported by NCC cadets and local panchayats. In Sundarbans, our Tiger Scouts and Bagh Bandhus did an awareness rally and planned more trees.

At WTI, we aim towards securing our natural heritage in collaboration with communities and governments. Our yearlong efforts aim to secure at least 20,000 hectares of critical habitats outside the traditional Protected Area Network, under the big idea of Wild Lands.We also aim to improve the existing functionality of six selected Protected Areas and restore their ecological integrity, under our big idea of Protected Area Recovery. Join us in ensuring a secure natural heritage of India.

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